Category Archives: Uncategorized

Hey! It’s Me Again, Margaret!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Well, it’s been awhile since I’ve actually sat down here to share a blog with you guys!  As usual, while sitting here staring at my screen, I asked the good Lord what shall I say to all of you today?

As a few minutes have passed now, I feel I simply need to share with you the fact that I’ve missed you all, have kept you in my prayers and hope this Pandemic quarantine has not been too traumatic for you and yours! Specifically though, to any of you who may have had to say “good by” to a loved one or dear friend during this time, please know my heart is filled with  prayers for you especially. May He lift you up in His eternal love and grace, and comfort you.

For me and mine, all’s well and there’ll be noooo complaining! Oh, I can do some complaining, trust me – just ask ole’ Danny Boy. Actually though, for me, this  “quarantine/vacation” has been quite cathartic; however, Dan may not share my sentiments, as I’ve almost driven him crazy! It seems so long ago now,  but this is how I remember it…seems like it all started in March…

Once I realized we were in “lockup”,  I turned into a rabid-esk being…and once I got started,  life at our house, as we knew it quickly changed:  if it didn’t move, I moved it! I’ve spent the last four months rearranging, redesigning, remodeling, removing, replanting, replacing…re…re…re… to the point that we hardly recognize our own home – nothing’s familiar around here anymore and I’m  not even sure I like it!! Poor Dan!

Oh, but hallelujah, Autumn is slowly settling in and we’ve finally been set free, sorta. At least we can go out (donning our masks, of course) and we can stand in our yard and shout out to the neighbors, keeping our safe distance, and even go to the grocery store! Such “pleasures” we take for granted normally, right?

So for now, my  normal pace of “78” has slowed all the way down to the  “33” spot – just skipped over “45” altogether; however, as I sit here sharing with you all, I realize just how out of control Life can become. When we least expect it, we get clobbered with one of those out-of-the-blue situations that are almost too strange to believe.  We have to be ready-to-roll in new  directions without complaining…well, we can complain, but it sure doesn’t help and nobody gives a flip. We have to rise above ourselves, and invoke “The Golden Rule”, immediately! Oh, and then there’s this: “it can always be worse!”

My prayer for us all this week is that we’ll all be diligent in keeping each other in our prayers. Let’s pray especially for those wo are unable to help themselves; the homeless, the sick, the hungry, the lonely. May our heavenly Father have mercy on them and may we extend ourselves to others as He would have us do. Amen!

I love you,


Please visit with me on Facebook and also my website

Why Does God Allow Bad Things To Happen?

Monday, April 13, 2020

Hello, dear Friends!

It’s hard to believe but this is my first Monday Blog in several  weeks! What’s happened to me?!

Seems like forever since I was on top of my game. I remember well, those days when I had everything planned out, organized to the tee, irons in the fire, batons in the air (or is that “balls”?)  WHAT…Me, out of control?  Well, I had to get over my-self and do some self-reflecting…a little attitude adjustment was in order….yeah, and I thought I was almost perfect!!

God was talking and I was busy – Just too busy to listen. I know when that happens, God can only think one thing:  “Margaret doesn’t need me anymore…she thinks.”

Then all of a sudden, Holly Smoke, Out of the Blue (China, actually), No Way Jose’ can this be happening, then here comes this absurd, stupid and life-threatening killer-VIRUS and has turned our world upside-down!

Oooh, it’s all coming back to me now…Quarantine!! We’re ALL in lock-up, in, out…and down ‘n out, too!! What’s truly interesting though, is the fact that we’re all in this together!! How utterly impossible! How on God’s Earth did God allow this to happen?!

Is it possible that the old “no good deed goes unpunished” adage works quite well here?

God in all His infinite wisdom, is constantly working His Holy Magic throughout His entire World. I say, “what a job and I sure wouldn’t want it!” But of course, GOD is a Miracle, Himself!  He can do the impossible, the unthinkable, the unreal. GOD is The Miracle Maker!! Period!  (Remember this!)

So now,  back to me when I’m “too busy to listen God, I’ll catch ya later…God knows my heart, He knows how busy I am, He’ll understand…sure!

Back to the Virus:  Now we have this Virus! We’re all truly in this together, Nobody’s any better than the next, We can all get it and We can even die from it – many have! This is a big deal!

So I’m thinking, maybe…just maybe, we all need to stop in our tracks and do some serious praying…you know, on our knees, praying!

It sure got my attention and we all know that when bad things happen, the first to get the blame is our Almighty God. So why does God allow bad things to happen?

Question: Why did God do this?!!

Answer: Uh, did GOD do this?


**”What Does ‘Thy Will Be Done’ Mean During Global Pandemic?

It’s dark in the garden of Gethsemane…

A distraught man stumbles forward, his sweat dripping from him like blood, and falls on his face to the ground. In his darkest hour, his friends have fallen asleep, leaving him alone to face the agony of what awaits. Though he’s tried to inform them of what’s coming, they haven’t quite understood.

There is only One to whom he can turn.

“My Father”, he prays, “if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me?”

This man, soon to brutally die. Soon to be abandoned by all friends. Betrayed, whipped, mocked, executed. He knows all of this is coming, and more.

And yet he continues, “Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

Only hours from his arrest, Jesus himself begs God to release him from this burden. However, unlike so many of us would, he doesn’t end with this plea. Instead, he says, “Yet not my will, but yours be done.”  (Luke 22:42)

At some point (or even at multiple points), we all find ourselves in our darkest hour, where all we can do is pray fervently for deliverance, pray with all our hearts for what we believe is right.

We as humans love to try to control things, but in times like these, we find ourselves helpless. We find ourselves asking questions. Why is this allowed to happen? When will it stop? Has God abandoned us?

How do we, like Jesus, say, “Thy will be done?” 

God’s will is discussed in many places in the Bible, far too many to address all of them here. However, the phrase “thy will be done” is most notably found in what has come to be called the Lord’s Prayer. 

The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-12 and Luke 11:1-4. In these passages, Jesus teaches how to pray. Matthew 6:10 specifically holds the phrase in question: “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 

However, many of us better recognize the passage as translated in the King Jams Version: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” 

What Does ‘Thy Will Be Done’ Mean?

To pray “thy will be done” is to ask God to do what He desires.

That seems a bit strange at first. God is God. Of course, He will do what He desires. But there’s a bit more to it.

There are some things that God desires but will not force upon us. For example, it’s His will that we do not commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t murder, etc., as outlined in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20), and that we love our neighbor as ourselves. (Mark 12:3) 

But we have the free will to do as we please, and often, we do the exact opposite.

When we say, “Thy will be done,” what  we’re asking is that things come to align with His will  – that righteousness would increase, justice be done, and the kingdom of God advance. Note that in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus says, “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).  Just as the heavens are filled with Joy and wholeness and the angels do exactly as God wills, we pray that the earth would be the same way.

Another aspect of saying “thy will be done” is offering a declaration of trust. There is nothing defeatist about saying “thy will be done.” Instead, it is an active choice to trust in God’s knowledge and goodness. 

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus knew what he wanted. He wanted to be spared from the agony of the cross. However, he acknowledges that the Father knew best and He asked the Father’s will be done, whether that was to spare him or to send him to the cross. 

(I break down every time I get to this part. It just breaks my heart over and over and over…and just so hard to believe the suffering and anguish Jesus had to endure …for ALL OF US).


What Does it Mean for Us to Pray ‘Thy Will Be Done’ During COVID-19?

We are in a unique situation. Often, we face our own personal crises, or local disasters, or scary situations specific to our own country. However, COVID-19 has brought us together all over the world.

Many of us fear that we or those dear to us will fall ill. Others have faced the illness, or even lost loved ones. Medical professionals pull long hours, trying to keep up. Meanwhile, others worry about making ends meet while unable to work or find supplies during shortages. 

We don’t know why God allowed COVID-19 , though we might try to speculate. However, there are some things that we do know. We know that God wants us to love one another. We know that He wants peace, love, and integrity. So we pray, “Thy will be done.”

We know that God can use even the worst of situations for good (Romans 8:28)). He can bring the deepest darkness to light, redeem any circumstance. So we pray that His will be done, that earth would reflect heaven.

We know that God knows best. So instead of worrying, despairing, or being angry at God, we can make the decision to trust. When we don’t know what will come next, we say, “Thy will be done.”

All of us can raise up our voices together and ask that God would use COVID-16 to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth. We can pray that He would work for the good through each and every one of us.

The Goodness of God’s Will

It would be callous to say that COVID-19 is ‘a good thing’. We may praise God for the good that He has worked in spite of the situation – bringing families together, helping us realize what truly matters, forcing us to slow down and focus on our relationship with Him . But that doesn’t mean we are to pretend this is good.

At the beginning, we spoke of Jesus’ plea in the garden of Gethsemane. Was Jesus’s suffering what witnesses would call “good”? Was his violent and bloody death what anyone would wish? Of course not. Who would call the unfair slaying of the perfect Son of God a good thing? In a perfect world, this would not occur.

But we don’t live in a perfect world. In the broken world we live in, this brutal death was the only way we could be saved.

At the time, it must have seemed like the worst possible situation: the Savior of the world, dead. Instead, he rose in glorious triumph, and by his very suffering, we were made whole. (Isiah 53:5)  

Imagine if Jesus had not submitted to God’s will. Imagine if he decided to pursue his own will.

All of us would be doomed.

Things don’t look good right now, in the throes of coronavirus worldwide. But we know who is good: God. Let us pray that His good and perfect will would be done in this situation. May we one day look back and see the wonderful things He has done.” **


As I’ve had a few weeks now quarantined and huggin’ the house, it’s become most clear to me that  I realize how I haven’t been doing my part, not really.  I’ve been “working so hard for Jesus” that I’ve almost left him out of a very important gift He gave me: my LIFE.

This horrible disease is just that; however, because of it and the demands it has forced on  ‘we the people’, for me, I am humbled and relearning old phrases like, “Thank You”…as in “Thank You, God!” or “Thank You for my precious gift of Life, dear Jesus!” or “Thank You for another awesome day, allowing me another opportunity to experience your incredible Love!”and so on…

This week, let’s all pray for each other, like there’s no tomorrow ! We never know what Jesus has in store for us; however, I do know HE LOVES US, HE WILL NEVER FORSAKE US and WITHOUT HIM WE ARE NOTHING. AMEN!!

GOD is Good! GOD is Great!! Always!!!

I love you,


Note:  **A very special “Thank You” to Alyssa Roat, Literary agent and Author of  the novel, Wrathwood (to be released in November, 2020), for her personal thoughts on “God’s Will.” 



Without Jesus We Are Nothing!

Monday, April 13, 2020

Hello, dear Friends!

It’s hard to believe but this is my first Monday Blog in several  weeks! What’s happened to me?!

Seems like forever since I was on top of my game. I remember well, those days when I had everything planned out, organized to the tee, irons in the fire, batons in the air (or is that “balls”?)  WHAT…Me, out of control?  Well, I had to get over myself and do some self-reflecting…a little attitude adjustment was in order….yeah, and I thought I was almost perfect!!

God was talking and I was busy – Just to busy to listen. I know when that happens, God can only think one thing:  “Margaret doesn’t need me anymore…she thinks”.

Then all of a sudden, Holly Smoke, Out of the Blue (China, actually), No Way Jose’ can this be happening, here comes this absurd, stupid and life-threatening killer-VIRUS and has turned our world upside-down!

Oooh, it’s all coming back to me now…Quarantine!! We’re ALL in lock-up, in, out…and down ‘n out, too!! What’s truly interesting though, is the fact that we’re all in this together!! How utterly impossible! How on God’s Earth did God allow this to happen?!

Is it possible that the old “no good deed goes unpunished” adage works quite well here?

God in all His infinite wisdom, is constantly working His Holy Magic throughout His entire World. I say, “what a job and I sure wouldn’t want it!” But of course, GOD is a Miracle, Himself!  He can do the impossible, the unthinkable, the unreal. GOD is The Miracle Maker!! Period!  (Remember this!)

So now,  back to me when I’m “too busy to listen God, I’ll catch ya later…God knows my heart, He knows how busy I am, He’ll understand…sure.

Back to the Virus:  Now we have this Virus! We’re all truly in this together, Nobody’s any better than the next, We can all get it and we can even die from it – many have! This is a big deal!

So I’m thinking, maybe…just maybe, we all need to stop in our tracks and do some serious praying…you know, on our knees, praying!

It sure got my attention and we all know that when bad things happen, the first to get the blame is or Almighty God and his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.  Let’s see…

Question: Why did God do this?!!

Answer: Uh, did GOD do this?


**”What Does ‘Thy Will Be Done’ Mean During Global Pandemic?

It’s dark in the garden of Gethsemane…

A distraught man stumbles forward, his sweat dripping from him like blood. and falls on his face to the ground. In his darkest hour, his friends have fallen asleep, leaving him alone to face the agony of what awaits. Though he’s tried to inform them of what’s coming, they haven’t quite understood.

There is only One to whom he can turn.

“My Father”, he prays, “if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me?”

This man, soon to brutally die. Soon to be abandoned by all friends. Betrayed, whipped, mocked, executed. He knows all of this is coming, and more.

And yet he continues, “Yet not as I will, but as you will.”

Only hours from his arrest, Jesus himself begs God to release him from this burden. However, unlike so many of us would, he doesn’t end with this plea. Instead, he says, “Yet not my will, but yours be done.”  (Luke 22:42)

At some point (or even at multiple points), we all find ourselves in our darkest hour, where all we can do is pray fervently for deliverance, pray with all our hearts for what we believe is right.

We as humans love to try to control things, but in times like these, we find ourselves helpless. We find ourselves asking questions. Why is this allowed to happen? When will it stop? Has God abandoned us?

How do we, like Jesus, say, “Thy will be done?” 

God’s will is discussed many places in the Bible, for too many to address all of them here. However, the phrase “thy will be done” is most notably found in what has come to be called the Lord’s Prayer. 

The Lord’s Prayer is found in Matthew 6:9-12 and Luke 11:1-4. In these passages, Jesus teaches how to pray. Matthew 6:10 specifically holds the phrase in question: “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” 

However, many of us better recognize the passage as translated in the King Jams Version: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.” 

What Does ‘Thy Will Be Done’ Mean?

To pray “thy will be done” is to ask God to do what He desires.

That seems a bit strange at first. God is God. Of course, He will do what He desires. But there’s a bit more to it.

There are some things that God desires but will not force upon us. For example, it’s His will that we do not commit adultery, don’t steal, don’t murder, etc., as outlined in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20), and that we love our neighbor as ourselves. (Mark 12:3) 

But we have the free will to do as we please, and often, we do the exact opposite.

When we say, “Thy will be done,” what  we’re asking is that things come to align with His will  – that righteousness would increase, justice be done, and the kingdom of God advance. Note that in the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus says, “Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).  Just as the heavens are filled with Joy and wholeness and the angels do exactly as God wills, we pray that the earth would be the same way.

Another aspect of saying “thy will be done” is offering a declaration of trust. There is nothing defeatist about saying “thy will be done.” Instead, it is an active choice to trust in God’s knowledge and goodness. 

In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus knew what he wanted. He wanted to be spared from the agony of the cross. However, he acknowledges that the Father knew best and He asked the Father’s will be done, whether that was to spare him or to send him to the cross. 

(I break down every time I get to this part. It just breaks my heart over and over and over…and just so hard to believe the suffering and anguish Jesus had to endure …for ALL OF US).


What Does it Mean for Us to Pray ‘Thy Will Be Done’ During COVID-19?

We are in a unique situation. Often, we face our own personal crises, or local disasters, or scary situations specific to our own country. However, COVID-19 has brought us together all over the world.

Many of us fear that we or those dear to us will fall ill. Others have faced the illness, or even lost loved ones. Medical professionals pull long hours, trying to keep up. . Meanwhile, others worry about making ends meet while unable to work or finding supplies during shortages. 

We don’t know why God allowed COVID-19 , though we might try to speculate. However, there are some things that we do know. WE know that God wants us to love one another. We know that He wants peace, love, and integrity. So we pray, “Thy will b done.”

We know that God can use even the worst of situations for good (Romans 8:28)). He can bring the deepest darkness to light, redeem any circumstance. So we pray that His will be done, that earth would reflect heaven.

We know that God knows best. So instead of worrying, despairing, or being angry at God, we can make the decision to trust. When we don’t know what will come next, we say, “Thy will be done.”

All of us can raise up our voices together and ask that God would use COVID-16 to bring the kingdom of heaven to earth. We can pray that He would work for the good through each and every one of us.

The Goodness of God’s Will

It would be callous to say that COVID-19 is ‘a good thing.’ We may praise God for the good that He has worked in spite of the situation – bringing families together, helping  us realize what truly matters, forcing us top slow down and focus on our relationship with Him . But that doesn’t mean we to pretend this is good.

At the beginning, we spoke of Jesus’ plea in the garden of Gethsemane. Was Jesus’s suffering what witnesses would call ‘good?’Was his violent and bloody death what anyone would wish? Of course not. Who would call the unfair slaying of the perfect Son of God a good thing? In a perfect world, this would not occur.

But we don’t live in a perfect world. In the broken world we live in, this brutal death was the only way we could be saved.

At the time, it must have seemed like the worst possible situation: the Savior of the world, dead. Instead, he rose in glorious triumph, and by his very suffering, we were made whole. (Isiah 53:5)  

Imagine if Jesus had not submitted to God’s will. Imagine if he derided to pursue his own will.

All of us would be doomed.

Things don’t look good right now, in the throes of coronavirus worldwide. But we know who is good: God. Let us pray that His good and perfect will would be done in this situation. May we one day look back and see the wonderful things He has done.” **


As I’ve had a few weeks now quarantined and huggin’ the house, it’s become most clear to me that  I realize how I haven’t been doing my part, not really.  I’ve been “working so hard for Jesus” that I’ve almost left him out of a very important gift He gave me: my LIFE

This horrible disease is just that; however, because of it and the demands it has forced on  ‘we the people’, for me, I am humbled and relearning old phrases like, “Thank You”…as in “Thank You, God!” or “Thank You for my precious gift of Life, dear Jesus!” or “Thank You for another awesome day, allowing me another opportunity to experience your incredible Love!”… 

This week, let’s all pray for each other, like there’s NO tomorrow – we never know what God has in store for us; however, I do know HE LOVES US and HE WILL NEVER FORSAKE US. AMEN!!

GOD is Good! GOD is Great!! Always!!!

I love you,


Note:  **A very special “Thank You” to Alyssa Roat, Literary agent and Author of  the novel, Wrathwood , to be released in November, 2020. 




Author Margaret McBride

Image-1 (51)Wednesday March 18, 2020

Forgive me all, I’m a little late this week! It’s not Monday, but Wednesday’s better than not at all, right? I’ve sat here quite a while now, searching my heart for some wisdom I might share with you all about this hard-to-believe Corona-virus health situation we’re all now facing.  Then it hit me and I thought, “what are you thinking, this is IMPOSSIBLE, there’s nothing YOU can do about it, but I remembered…Impossible Is Where God Starts!”

Then I sat back in my chair, pondering and praying. Then I felt led to simply share some Bible scripture we all my embrace and never forget, especially in times like these!

“But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”  – Luke 1:37

” ‘Ah, Lord God!…

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Tootin’ Your Own Horn!!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Welcome to my Monday Blog, dear Friends!  I’m off to a roaring start!

Hope your weekend was filled with Love, Joy and Peace. I was blessed with all three and have a testimony to share with you on this new Monday. Frankly, I’m a little hesitant to admit this, but I know I’m supposed to because I need to be more humble. Period.

I’ve been blogging and sharing my faith in God for many years now and alot of you have read   my book about the power of forgiveness and know it was originally the impetus for this Blog in the first place; however, as the Monday mornings have continued to pass, week after week, month after month, year after year, I began to realize that this road most definitely less-traveled by me, had become precisely where God wanted me to be at this time in my life. So here I am today, living my gift of life with such gusto, that sometimes I have to pinch myself as a reminder of His incomparable Love and Power once we get out of His Divine way and allow Him to work in our lives.

“For we are His workmanship, in Christ Jesus for good works.” – Eph. 2:10 

Some time waaaaay back, my Mother told me to “always keep God first in my life because He was going to make something great out of me!”  I think I was only about five years old, but that was obviously the #1 best piece of advice that awesome woman of God ever gave me! Now, honestly, I have not always followed His righteous path; however, I have always known I belonged to Him  and for that reason alone, He’s always willing to pick me up and set me back on His righteous path. Hallelujah!

God has favored me in literally so many profound  ways, that He has proven His undying love for me over and over again. Gosh, I’d have to be a total Robot to turn my heart in any direction but His!

Am I tootin’ my own horn? You betcha!! Am I roarin’ like a lion? Tryin’ to!!

My prayer for us all this week is that we’ll step back and take a long mental look at all the gifts God has bestowed upon us, and when we start getting the big head, thinking “I made all that happen” is when we must look in the mirror and see the face of Jesus Christ, our Savior…because He made all that possible for us… not we, but He.

Let’s  all love one another and let us be kind and forgiving to one another – Who are we not to forgive as Jesus forgives us?

God is Good! God is Great!! Always!!!

I love you,


My spiritual thriller, “That Melvin Bray” is available on Amazon







Author Margaret McBride

Monday, March 2, 2020

Welcome to my Monday Blog, Everyone!!

Thanks so much for visiting me here each week! Feel free to leave a comment – I do love hearing from you all.

You know, sometimes when our paths get heavy-laden, dreary, and everyday seems like a rainy Monday coming down, do you ever consider quitting? You know, like, “I’m done here, it’s over, arrivederci, sayonara, maybe Tomorrow, Annie.”

Of course—we all have! Sometimes the dragon wins the battle, but not necessarily the war!  I choose to believe that is the precise moment we realize what we’re made of. Are we cowards or courageous!? Which is it? None of us is immune to the dragon. He comes in many forms—to slay us, our hopes and our dreams.

Between you and me, I choose to fight that dragon till there’s no fight left in me, and there’s no one better to fight my…

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Just Plain Margaret

Thank you ALL for 5 Great Years!! Love, Margaret

Author Margaret McBride

Happy Monday, my Friends!

So this is my first Blog of the New Year. I’ll use it as I have in the past, as an introduction to me, Margaret McBride, aka, “The Great Pretender”. Many of you know all about me; however, newcomers to my Blog arrive almost daily, so indulge me when I repeat myself. By the way, it gives me great pleasure to be here in this very moment sharing my heart and thoughts with all of you, as we begin our sixth year together. May we all be blessed in the ways only He can in this New Year!

Who is Margaret McBride, anyway?

The “Great Pretender”, that’s who! At least that’s what I’ve finally come up with to describe myself in my book, after sixty+ years of walking this Earth; however, a couple of years ago I changed that to my new handle—”Just Plain Margaret”. Since…

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Author Margaret McBride

Monday, December 16, 2019

Welcome to my Monday Blog my friends! You know I’m so grateful for your time, comments and support.  And now I’ll share a little story with you.

First, today’s Blog is a subject I embraced over a year ago and in honor of the birth of Jesus, I’m relogging this topic today from last year.

“Now, many of you know that I take my topics seriously and pray about each one on Monday mornings. I do very little preparation as I do my best to remain open to the Lord’s Divine Will in what I post on my blog each week and  yesterday was no different; however, once I was certain of my topic, I began to do some research and all hell broke lose!

I knew immediately what was happening – Satan did not want me to follow God’s Will. No matter what I did, Satan…

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Author Margaret McBride

tmb blog rudolph

Monday, December 9, 2019

Welcome to my Monday Blog, my friends!!

*” “As the holiday season of 1938 came to Chicago, Bob May wasn’t feeling much comfort or joy. A 34-year-old ad writer for Montgomery Ward, May was exhausted and nearly broke. His wife, Evelyn, was bedridden, on the losing end of a two-year battle with cancer. This left Bob to look after their four-year old-daughter, Barbara.

One night, Barbara asked her father, “Why isn’t my mommy like everybody else’s mommy?” As he struggled to answer his daughter’s question, Bob remembered the pain of his own childhood. A small, sickly boy, he was constantly picked on and called names. But he wanted to give his daughter hope, and show her that being different was nothing to be ashamed of. More than that, he wanted her to know that he loved her and would always take care of her. So he…

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I Thought I’d Heard It All – NOPE!!

Monday, November 18, 2019

Welcome to my Monday Blog, dear Friends! Hope you and yours shared some love and laughter over the weekend! I spent some precious time with my #1 grandchild – she’s just so much fun, has a precious heart and a loooong funny bone. Both beautiful and funny…great combo! I treasure my time with her and always look forward to the next time! She’s my precious gift from heaven above – Thank you, Lord!

So recently, I attended a book signing for a new author-friend of mine. Awhile back, another friend had told me about this new author and her new book release and that she would be the guest author at a local book store in Atlanta. So the three of us got together for lunch and I was able to get to know this new author alot better and was delighted to tell all my friends about her upcoming book signing.

There’s simply not one itty-bitty anything that I don’t just adore about this woman-child of God; however, there’s a story behind her uplifting smile – a story that once known, will both break your heart and lift it up at the same time. It’ll also make you mad as hell, so watch out – I know this because I bought her little book and I read it. Well, I thought I’d read it all or at least heard it all. Nope! This is a tiny book of only 90 pages, but what a story it tells! This is a story about heart, soul, character, determination and ultimately… survival. You can get this book on and I hope you will – it’s truly a blessing and it’s my pleasure to share this with you all today!

“The Hell I Held”, by author Dee Mack

My prayer for all of us this week is that we will focus on being kind and gentle to one another – no matter who it is. We never know the pain, sorrow or suffering another may be dealing with in their lives at any given moment. Let’s just be KIND to one another – Always!

GOD is Good! GOD is Great!! Always!!!

I love you,


My book, the spiritual thriller, “That Melvin Bray”, is available on Amazon