Monthly Archives: January 2019


Monday, December 16, 2019

Welcome to my Monday Blog my friends! You know I’m so grateful for your time, comments and support.  And now I’ll share a little story with you.

First, today’s Blog is a subject I embraced over a year ago and in honor of the birth of Jesus, I’m relogging this topic today from last year.

“Now, many of you know that I take my topics seriously and pray about each one on Monday mornings. I do very little preparation as I do my best to remain open to the Lord’s Divine Will in what I post on my blog each week and  yesterday was no different; however, once I was certain of my topic, I began to do some research and all hell broke lose!

I knew immediately what was happening – Satan did not want me to follow God’s Will. No matter what I did, Satan was having no part of it and caused one break down after another…(except for me of course!).

I continued on and remedied each problem as it popped up. No matter what I did though, another problem presented itself. After about an hour, I knew exactly what the problem was and it had zip to do with “technical” nor “operator error”. After about three hours of this evil insanity, I had finished. Done and Hallelujah! I was very pleased with myself and now all I had to do at that point was to hit “PUBLISH”; however, before I could,  at that moment, my entire screen went BLACK!I No problem, I thought, since my system is set up to automatically SAVE my work, I would simply bring it back up from DRAFT. Since the issue was Satan-driven however, I quickly found out that there was no “saved in draft” for this particular Blog topic. Reeeally, now!

I was quite aggravated at this point and remembered I had another appointment and  had to leave. Since I would not return until after dinner, I planned to revisit this blog issue today. I may have lost that battle but certainly not the War. As I left my office I said to Satan, “You haven’t stopped me, you’ve only slowed me down, but I’ll be back tomorrow!”

Today is Tuesday and I’m back. Well now, here we go again my friends and yep, once again, the devil’s doing his damnedest to stop me, but I’m committed and hell will freeze over before I stop again. I WILL post this Blog today! I’m back with a vengeance of my own…an eagerness to right his menacing wrongs. YAY JESUS!! YAY me!

Let’s try this again…

Before you read this, please take another look at my IMAGE for today’s Blog. Below is an opinion I share, from two Christians, hard at work for the Lord and this is an excerpt from an article they wrote, in response to the recent passage of the new abortion laws in the state of New York:


“As time goes on, I’ve noticed that the title and the power of the person that the devil uses gets smaller while God’s Miracles get BIGGER, so I can’t wait to see what happens next…


In the time of Moses, the Pharaoh, being operated by Satan, was afraid of being taken over by his slaves and ordered all male infants killed; in return God spared Moses and sent him to deliver His people out of Egypt.

At the birth of Jesus, Satan used a King who was scared because he heard that there was to be a Messiah who  would save his people and become King of the Jews. So this King ordered the babe be searched out and brought to him, but God gave three wise men discernment and Jesus Christ lived and thus gave His own life to SAVE the world and all who would receive Him.

Now, Satan is out of tricks and he is trying to repeat history with a couple of little puppets we call Governors and Senators, to make sure we spill enough innocent blood that God’s army will not increase in numbers; however, I believe the Miracle that God will perform next will be OUT OF THIS WORLD! I’m ready and looking up!” 

I pray my words may be a flame lit by God’s hand that spreads like wildfire in this dry and barren land…”   – Michaela and Lee Wilkins


After I read this, I was profoundly moved to share it with all of you and I would put it to you like this:

Regardless of one’s faith, where is the humanity in taking the life of an innocent, unborn child? An innocent unborn BABY!!

With all the alternatives and opportunities available to one in the present time  in which we live, abortion should be the last alternative.

 As a Mother, I literally shudder when I think of living my life without my two children. They have brought me such Joy (and not even to mention my five grandchildren in the mix), and I have no doubts whatsoever, that they are my two most precious gifts on this earth. As a Christian, I know they’re gifts from God and I’m so grateful, that when I think about these tiny, helpless, unborn babies, it just breaks my heart. I’m hoping you and yours will search your own hearts and if nothing else, please pray for a better solution for these helpless innocent babies.

Let us not ever forget: One unplanned pregnancy saved us all…!

This week, to all you Believers, let us all pray specifically and diligently for God to intervene in the horror that is back with a vengeance to besiege our nation in a way we cannot even imagine and may He have mercy on us all.

I felt led to repost this blog today, here at Christmas time. The Bible tells us how Mary, an unwed mother was chosen to give birth to the future King, Jesus Christ.

So, what if Mary had chosen NOT to have her baby?!!

This week, let’s all pray for all those Mothers-To-Be! May God have mercy on them, speak to them and ultimately change their hearts. Amen.

I love you,


PS: There Satan, take that!…and Thank You, Lord Jesus!

*A special “Thank You”, to Michaela & Lee Wilkins for their faith & love for the Lord. 

My novel, the spiritual thriller, “That Melvin Bray”, is available on Amazon

Do Over!!

tmb WordPress Blog Media File I have started coloring stress cropped

Monday, January 21, 2019

Welcome to my Monday Blog, dear Friends! Thanks for visiting and know that I appreciate each one of you. Please feel free to drop me a line now and then and share some of you with me!

I was just thinking about the fact that we all make mistakes – All of us! We’re human…that’s the reason. No one holds the patent on mistakes. No matter how hard we work, how careful, thoughtful or responsible we are, sometimes we just need a “do over”, right?

I’m pretty sure that today alone, I’ve made at least…let’s see now…OK, at least eleven mistakes…and that was before noon. What have I done about them, you ask?

Well, a few of them were totally harmless and fixable…some were an immediate do-over and some are still in the process of being remedied; however, none of them were earth shattering. I have had days though, where a thoughtless, but honest mistake took more time than I was ready to commit in that moment, to fix, and I put it off. By the time I was ready to “fix it” it was a bit more “costly” than I was prepared for and nothing to do with money. This was one of those human errors that I failed to react to in a way that my actions (or lack of) would not be misinterpreted.

In my busyness, I was only thinking of myself and had not considered the fact that my actions or lack of, at that specific time, could have caused pain to another. When I was made aware of this, my first thought was DO OVER!! I picked up the phone, sincerely humbled myself and ask for forgiveness for my thoughtless behavior. That’s all it took. Of course, I hadn’t even realized my behavior was thoughtless; however, it was perceived as thoughtless. I couldn’t take that because it hurt my heart to think that I had hurt someone’s feeling over “nothing.”

Intentional or unintentional, when we’re the cause of someone’s pain, we must take a do-over and make it right…apologize, ask for forgiveness and move on. That’s the right think to do.

“Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often will my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many times as seven times?”

Jesus said to him. “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.             -Matthew 18-21-22

This week, my prayer for us all is that we’ll ask our Savior to cause the Him inside us, to be thoughtful in all our actions so that they will not be in any way hurtful or thoughtless to others…and to help us to share a Christ-like personality in all we do. Amen!

GOD is Good! GOD is Great!! Always!!!

I love you,


My spiritual thriller, “That Melvin Bray”, is available on Amazon







How’s Your Heart?

tmb blog a beautiful heart

Monday, January 14, 2019

Hello, my Friends! Welcome to my Monday Blog and THANK YOU for sharing your time with me today. I love it and my heart is filled with Joy!

Ya know, we all need a little comfort now and then – a kind reminder that we’re not alone in this world…a feeling that there’s someone in our corner, ready with a hug, a compliment, a sweet little kiss…no matter what.

It may seem small to some of us, but there are some who would benefit greatly to hear that they’re being thought of, cheered on, and loved for exactly who they are – a precious soul who may be hurting, but just can’t express themselves for fear of rejection or even embarrassment. Trust me, I know things and this is one of them: We never know how the shoe could easily be on the other foot and we all have the need to be loved for exactly who we are in any given moment – Someone who is beautiful and wonderfully made, because God doesn’t make mistakes — That’s our failing, not His.

A beautiful heart can change the world – Literally – Even if it’s just one person’s world at a time. 

When we willingly open our hearts to bring joy to another’s, we’re sharing our blessings in a way that can bring great joy – to both of us! We never know what’s truly going on in another’s life but we don’t have to know, if we live our lives with a heart of love and kindness for all…in any given situation.

It’s a fact none of us will escape pain and sorrow before we leave this world; however, it’s up to each one of us as to how we choose to live our lives regardless of good times or not so good, while we’re here. We have the incredible Gift of Life inside us and only our own mirror to look into each night before we go to bed. Before we hit the sack each night, maybe we should ask ourselves, “Did I share my beautiful heart with someone today?”

My prayer for us all this week is that we will cherish and honor our goodness by sharing ourselves with someone in need – anytime, anywhere we have the opportunity. Amen!

GOD is Good! GOD is Great!! Always!!!

I love you,


My novel, the spiritual thriller, “That Melvin Bray”, is available on Amazon



Be A Warrior!

tmb blog the devil whisters

Monday, January 7, 2019

Wow! Did I just write 2019 …again!? It’s always like this…takes me about a month to get used to the New Year!

So, Happy New Year my dear friends and welcome to my first Blog of this new year! Actually, some days I don’t know if I’m going or coming no matter what year it is. One thing’s for sure, though…I do know who loves me, baby, and that my friends is what keeps me going – in the right direction!

When we’re clear about the how we want to live our lives, the gift of Life is so much easier regardless of the mountains we must climb. That head-in-the-sand routine just never works out very well. I’ve been at the top of the mountain and at the bottom as well…the view from the top is so much better! I choose to consider myself a Warrior. ‘Course, Warriors have bad days too, but if you’re a Warrior for Jesus, you may lose a battle now and then, but you’ll never lose the war!! You’ll never be alone, you’ll always be loved and you’ll have your true best friend right by your side 24/7…imagine that! Maybe this new year, 2019, is your year to reach the top of your mountain. Be a Warrior for Jesus Christ. He died for You! He’s the real deal and He’ll never, ever, never leave you!!

Be a Warrior and live for Him. Amen!

GOD is Good! GOD is Great!! Always!!

Happy New Year and I love you,


My spiritual thriller, “That Melvin Bray” is available on amazon