Monthly Archives: October 2019

Happy Hour!

Monday, October 21, 2019


It’s another great Monday, my friends and just one more opportunity to find the good in it! Mondays can be a little rough…yeah, like once a week, right?  Naaah, just kidding; however, Mondays can be that way, if we allow ourselves to fall for it. Don’t!

How about this: Every Monday, have yourself a little “Happy Hour”. Give yourself a little something special to end the day with and go to sleep on…it doesn’t even have to require alcohol. It can be anything that helps us to relax and look forward to tomorrow.

For me, my happy hours involve a nice, ice cold beer before dinner.  What can I tell ya’? It hits the spot and it actually invites me to sit down and take a few minutes to ponder both the moment and the day’s accomplishments. It works for me!

Whatever suits our fancy – just so we stop the day’s momentum and wind down for a little relaxation. Just try it! It’s a good thing we do, when we stop and take out a few minutes for us.

My prayer for us all this week, is that we’ll seek the Lord’s help in showing us how we can honor both Him and ourselves as well, and be better for it. He knows our hearts and our needs. He loves us so much and He is always there – talk to Him!

GOD is Good! GOD is Great!! Always!!!

I love you,


My spiritual thriller, the novel “That Melvin Bray” is available on Amazon: