Tootin’ Your Own Horn!!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Welcome to my Monday Blog, dear Friends!  I’m off to a roaring start!

Hope your weekend was filled with Love, Joy and Peace. I was blessed with all three and have a testimony to share with you on this new Monday. Frankly, I’m a little hesitant to admit this, but I know I’m supposed to because I need to be more humble. Period.

I’ve been blogging and sharing my faith in God for many years now and alot of you have read   my book about the power of forgiveness and know it was originally the impetus for this Blog in the first place; however, as the Monday mornings have continued to pass, week after week, month after month, year after year, I began to realize that this road most definitely less-traveled by me, had become precisely where God wanted me to be at this time in my life. So here I am today, living my gift of life with such gusto, that sometimes I have to pinch myself as a reminder of His incomparable Love and Power once we get out of His Divine way and allow Him to work in our lives.

“For we are His workmanship, in Christ Jesus for good works.” – Eph. 2:10 

Some time waaaaay back, my Mother told me to “always keep God first in my life because He was going to make something great out of me!”  I think I was only about five years old, but that was obviously the #1 best piece of advice that awesome woman of God ever gave me! Now, honestly, I have not always followed His righteous path; however, I have always known I belonged to Him  and for that reason alone, He’s always willing to pick me up and set me back on His righteous path. Hallelujah!

God has favored me in literally so many profound  ways, that He has proven His undying love for me over and over again. Gosh, I’d have to be a total Robot to turn my heart in any direction but His!

Am I tootin’ my own horn? You betcha!! Am I roarin’ like a lion? Tryin’ to!!

My prayer for us all this week is that we’ll step back and take a long mental look at all the gifts God has bestowed upon us, and when we start getting the big head, thinking “I made all that happen” is when we must look in the mirror and see the face of Jesus Christ, our Savior…because He made all that possible for us… not we, but He.

Let’s  all love one another and let us be kind and forgiving to one another – Who are we not to forgive as Jesus forgives us?

God is Good! God is Great!! Always!!!

I love you,


My spiritual thriller, “That Melvin Bray” is available on Amazon






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